April 1st, 2024

Haven't done much today. Work was fine, just more work. Still going through the training stuff, finally finished a report but idk if I did it right. Not much else going on there. I was looking forwards to the mini April Fool's event Arknights had but it's really fucking annoying and I don't even want to bother getting U-Official. The way the event works is that you have to go through a stage where you deploy U-Official to take pics of things going on. And then after you do a livestream where you use the pics to manage meters that can't be filled (or presumably emptied). The problem is that 1) if you don't take at least 8 pics you just lose, 2) the livestream portion takes forever and I don't think you can speed it up, and 3) there are SIX FUCKING STAGES. All of this for a barely usable 1* with purposefully bad base skills that is the branch that is probably the worst possible branch to be stuck at e0 30 with (Bard, which heals nearby allies over time for... 10% of their attack. And Bards don't attack either). The fact that her English VA is fucking LilyPichu is cute but I honestly don't even care about LilyPichu (or like, almost any huge YouTube celeb) so that's not really any motivation for me either. For reference, the other two April Fool's events currently on global are a 1-stage like. Rhythm game? And a 3-stage shmup that's honestly pretty fun. And not tedious bullshit that wastes your time for no reason.

Eureka (which is legit U-Official's real name) isn't even in the Global livestreams, no one outside of the CN server or an Arknights supernerd would know who the fuck she is, so like who cares!

P.S. I accidentally named this file "April 1th" at first. I thought about keeping it because it's like April Fool's day but, nah.